The title of this blog could mean a lot of things. If you know me at all, and I ain't shy, you can probobly decipher what it means. Anyhoo, I have little to share; but, what I do have is pretty good. I must give a shout out to Soap Opera Digest for providing me with info that I don't get off of soap sites. OK. Here's what I got: Y&R: I have had the opportunity to view some of tomorrow's episode and hence, the title of this entry. Billy's anger at the "Maul" pairing is apparent. However, he tells Raul that he is cool that they have "his blessing". Then he tells Chloe he wants to go home. They do. I am pretty sure that Billy wasn't inviting Chloe to come with him, just informing her. But, sticky Chloe had to follow him home. Upon entry, Billy is an asshole. He continues to act like an ass and finally tells Chloe to "give it a rest". Then he doe the #2 thing that he does best: He runs out of there. Raul and Mac discuss Billy's feelings. Billy comes in. They all talk. Billy asks them where the relationship stands now. Raul tells him he wants to marry Mac. Billy leaves and Raul pulls out some cheap ass looking ring and proposes to Mac. I don't know if she will accept, but I assume that she will. At least for a hot second. Billy runs into Sharon and they have a nice little talk. I was kind of hoping they would drop to the floor and start having hot sex. But, alas, No. Sharon runs into Noah and he tells her that he forgives her. She tells him about the baby. Noah is excited and offers to help. Sharon, of course, omitted that half of Genoa City could be her "baby's daddy". Phyllis lets it slip that Sharon and Billy did the nasty to Jack. Jack, understandably, gets real pissed. He goes the *bleep* off on Phyllis. As she scrambled to come up with answers, Jack screamed this at her: "Shut Up!" I felt some satisfaction. I'm not going to lie. I'm sure that Jack will unleash his massive fury on Billy at some point in the rest of this episode. Chloe will leave Billy. He'll ask her to come on back home. Will she go? I would like to say no; however, Chloe has a soft spot for that hot ass a-hole. B&B: Rick Hearst's air date will be in mid-July. I say this because I wanted to know and I am quite sure that everyone else does too. Brooke's blog will cause another blow up with Taylor and cause yet another fight between Rick and Caterpillar Eyes (Thomas). Taylor will sleep with Ridge. Snore. I'm not sure about this one. But, I think that Owen is going to propose to Jackie. The Saggy Sailor is not going to like it, and he will ponder what Owen's true financial motives are. The Saggy Sailor and The Rug Bitch will continue to "work out" their hot mess of a relationship but The Rug will please me greatly by desiring to be with the Ass God. FYI: Ass God is my new name for Bill Jr. There is some ridiculous Price is Right crap coming up involving Donna and Pam somehow getting involved with Drew Carey. I'm guessing that this is guaranteed to be both stupid as hell while somehow being hysterical and something that we will want to tune in to. GH: Helena will be returning to mess with Nu-old Emily. The two b*tches will come face to face. Jason will finally get some solid proof on Claudia. Ethan will tell Holly to go to hell. Jasam will be getting back together in some capacity. Quote: "It's going to be HOT." End Quote. Jax is keeping a big secret from Carly. Something "tragic" is going to happen to Claudia the Clingy that will expose all her crap. I ponder if this is the "Jason runs her into traffic" storyline? Ethan does have feelings for Nu-old Emily. I would like to see some action there, but, I can't decide if they would even look good together. I say no.

AMC: Chrishell Stause has extended her contract. This, my friends, is good news as we all know. If anyone is wondering where the hell Frankie is (I wasn't), his portrayer, Cornelius Smith Jr. is in "contract negotiations" and will be returning soon. Red-Liza will set Kendall up for Stuart's murder. Kendall will figure it out. Oh, Kendall will find about the card table debacle with Fabio as well. These revelations will prompt Kendall to seek out Red-Liza, call her a bitch, and slap the hell out of her. Then, Jesse will arrest Kendall. Kendall and Fabio will remarry so he doesn't have to testify against her. Ryan and Erica will grow closer. The mag warned that this would NOT be a cougar story. WTF? What else is going to interest us?! Adam and Annie will fall in love. Annie will also be eluded to as the killer but chances are, it wasn't her. Aidan will find new love and I read that he will be doing most of that shirtless. YES! God is a woman! People will start to realize that Emma could be a witness to the murder. I'm not sure what the hell is up with this; but, Jake is going to marry either Amanda or Red-Liza. I am willing to bet cash money that it will be Red-Liza. The reason for the nups? David finds out about the whole baby plan and it obviously will backfire. Crishell extended her contract; however, she did not sign a new one. Hence, we must be prepared. Tad and Taylor are finally going to hook up. I am real happy that Beth Ehlers might actually get to do her job on this show. She was great on GL. I was a big fan, but her character on AMC leaves much to be desired. Randi's stripper/hooker/trallop past will come back to bite her in the ass in the form of what is being eluded to as a pimp from back in the day. Stuart will remain present as guilty subconcious memories for all those involved. OLTL: Bess/Jess/Tess/Lochness will go to Nash's parents and set up camp. They, apparently, will be completely oblivious to who she even is. They will start to realize just how crazy that bitch really is. Todd will fall in love with Tea for real, and Blair will be cool with it. Michael and Marcy will find out that the Hope is alive. But, it looks like Starr might want to keep the baby. Rachel will question the whole "Blintz" engagement. I'm glad someone will be questioning that stupid sh*t. BORA all the way!
OK. I'm all about shutting my pie hole right now. Peace!
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