Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jack's Veins & Sharon's Shenanigans 5-26-09

I need to start off by saying that I love me some Sharon Newman Abbott. However, she was irking the mess out of me today. Upon learning that his wife had banged the snot out of his kid brother's nose, Jack was understandably upset. He confronted Billy and after screaming so hard his veins got a sore throat, promptly told his brother that he would never forgive him for this. I want to give some props to both Peter Bergman and Billy Miller for their perfomances today. Billy really looked like he wanted to cry and run into the nearest closet to hide. Enter Sharon and Chloe, who could tell that something was going on. They both seem to instinctively know not to ask what the spat was about. After Chloe grabbed Billy's chain and dragged him home, Sharon tried to talk to Jack. Jack was in a state of shock and disbelief. Sharon tried to coax him into confiding in her and then acted like he was being a pain in her ass because he wasn't as happy as she wanted him to be. This earns her the Bitch award for the day. Chloe and Billy went home and Billy thought it would be a great idea to continue his abuse towards my favorite fashionista. I beg to differ! Chloe quickly packed up Delia and moved out. Mac and Raul informed Billy that they were getting hitched. Ray Charles could have seen the pain in Billy's eyes. Speaking of blind people...Adam was up to his never ending misdeeds at the Newman Ranch today. Ashley and Victor have no idea that they are on candid camera. I must make a confession. Watching Ashley makes me want to rip out my eyeballs and feed them to the dog, and listening to her voice makes me want to cut off my own ears and flush them down the toilet. Regardless, Ashley let out a blood curtling scream after discovering Adam's latest gift. Adam walked around acting like he was on her side. After everything that happened in real life last week, I have to say that watching Adam just wasn't the same. Tell me how you feel on twitter because I sure want to know what you ladies are thinking! Any thoughts I had of boycotting Adam scenes were eliminated however when I thought that Ashley was going to bust Adam...but alas! Adam thrilled me by hiding under the bed. Now, if we could just get Ashley to crawl under there with him....and then promptly disappear, that would be great! Jill and Nina happened upon one another at Phillip III's grave and they discussed the good ole days. I know some of you think that Nina is in on the low down dirty Cane shame, I think she is just as clueless as she has always been.

2 things:

1. Nina asked Jill why a 3rd DNA test was never taken. Jill responded by saying that a 3rd test hadn't been necessary. Hmmm. More foreshadowing. What does it all mean?

2. Phillip III is a bartender. Now I see the connection.

It's unanimous....Tyra is the most hated woman on daytime.

On OLTL today, Schyler confronted Gigi with the facts about Stacy. I know what's coming so I have to say that this is a good thing. Gigi actually looked cute today..so I will just leave her alone today. Rex explained the whole Bess/Tess/Jess/Lochness debacle to Stacy. It made me laugh when Stacy acted like she couldn't believe that people could stoop so low. Rex rejected all of Stacy's requests to go do something together. Stacy pretended to have a job interview so she could go and bail Kyle's hot ass out of jail. While she was gone, the smarmy pimp, Stan, showed up and told Rex about the $20K. When Stacy arrived from her fuex interview, Rex confronted her with the pimp juice. Bess/Jess/Tess/Lochness was busy talking amongst herself while also carrying on a conversation with Hope/Chloe. Now that's what I call multitasking. It finally dawned on Viki today that Brody might acually be able to help Jessica. Um. It's a little late for that.

General Hospital was a scream fest today. Edward screamed at Sonny. Sonny screamed at Edward. Edward screamed at Carly. Carly screamed at Sonny. You get my point. Finally, Michael had enough and he did what we all wanted to do: He screamed at them all and told them to shut the hell up. Later, Jason and Michael bonded some more. Hmmmm. Robyn and Patrick went on a cute date. For a hot second, I wished Dr. Patrick was my husband. But when I snapped back to reality, I ran downstairs to my bedroom, looked inside, and damned if my husband wasn't sitting in his usual spot playing the usual video game. Damn the luck. Johnny, Olivia, and the Cleavage were front and center today. GH is much discussed on Twitter and I must say that the most talked about topic of conversation during today's episode was the Cleavage. Anyhoo, Jolivia is a couple I think I could seriously become addicted to. Maxie did what she does best: want what she can't have while lying to The Jackal about her true feelings. Fake-but-not-aussie Ethan yelled at Holly. Luke yelled at Holly. Last but not least...I had the displeasure of viewing the botched pre-schooler art work that was Lulu's hair and make up.

And with all that...I am finally done! C-ya on the flip ladies!

1 comment:

  1. You know what gets my goat about the whole thing is the way that both Sharon and Nick LIED straight to the faces of the people they so call love. I wonder what Jack and Phyllis are going to do? Funny only the two that are being lied to are the only two that know the truth!
