Y&R: We were subjected to more Cane and Lily wedding reception scenes which were filled with what I can only describe as eye openers. Katherine had a heart to heart with Billy about Monotone Mac in which she stated that Chloe was "an anchor around Billy's neck." Billy said some more stupid sh*t to Kevin and Monotone Mac continued to get pissed while looking at Billy as if she couldn't wait to give him an earth friendly hug. Billy, Chloe, and Cane and Lily all decided to be friends. Um. No. Chloe and Amber had a conversation in which they both expressed their hatred for Lily. I knew I liked these two for a reason. Amber became quite sad when after catching the bouquet, Daniel rejected even the thought of a wedding in their future. Three major issues with the show today:
1. Daniel's hair.
2. Daniel's odd yet cheerful banter as he took pictures for his ex-wifes wedding.
3. Daniel sitting on the computer at the end of the eppy looking at, what, porn?
OK. I lied.
4. Daniel
Daniel had the nerve to say to Amber that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", No Amber, if it is broke, stupid and ugly, you should leave it. Neil and Tyra are shiesty. Devon knows it. The show played a beautiful montage with an equally beautiful song entitled Happy by Josh Ryan. I am not going to lie. I cried like a f*cking baby.
My Mary Jane is Mari Jo theory has been blown all to hell thanks to my friend, the Y&R Lady. It makes much more sense for it to be Paul's psychotic whore sister, Patti.

I have no idea what happened on B&B today. All I know was that I woke up for a hot second and Bill Jr. was hitting on Jackie and Bridget while telling them about hitting on Skeletor, I mean Donna. What a f*cking stud. I'd do him.
AMC is so stupid right now, I am not sure if watching it is good for my mental health. Fabio was arrested. Gucci Goo (Ryan) was arrested. Erica obviously did the shooting or knows who did it or helped Adam cover up the fact that Stuart is the one that is really dead. Kendall suspects Erica. Erica suspects Kendall. Hey, Bitches! Go get the hotties out of jail! Jesse is the stupidist cop I have ever had the displeasure of watching screw up EVERYTHING. Acting+Jesse+Horrible. Still no sign of Asylum Annie or Emma. Krystal and J.R. basically admitted that they tried to kill Adam. But Jesse the Wonder Cop was more concerned about "Haywords" whereabouts. What an ass.
On OLTL, the KAD story is almost over. Powell has Chloe/Hope and the sh*t is about to hit the fan. Natalie and Jared are going to get busted. Jessica is freaking out. OK. Why do people feel sorry for her? She stole the damn baby! Todd and Marty were both shocked to find out the baby was their grandchild and Todd even begged for mercy. Not for himself, but for everyone else. Tea and Blair argued while dying through the eppy and finally got down to the nitty gritty of the whole damn shebang: Blair still loves Todd. That's the big secret? Wow. We all knew that, yet, these two actresses made it well worth the wait. Seething and hissing to the death. I like that.
I am watching GH now and since it just started, I can't really talk about it. Talk at you tomorrow...same bitch time...same bitch channel
Yes Daniel was weird today at that wedding! I have to just say one thing! He's supposed to be the professional photographer at that wedding and he's walking around using his pop-up flash on his camera-that I can't tell if its professional or not.LOL! That irks me! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHe is annoying-I felt really bad for Amber today!!
Sorry that comment above was from me-LOL! I'm using my hubby's pc-so it came up as him. HA!