Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pre-emptions & So-So Scandals 3-19-09

I am pissed because I found out Monday that soaps would be pre-empted today and tomorrow and I was devastated. Of course, I totally forget about it and my life continues on and on. When I awoke this morning, I was excited to begin the day anew and anticipating the scandals that would befall me via soap operas when, my girl J calls me bright and early and reminds me that due to basketball, our show was not going to air today. DEVASTATION! I am hoping that our friend in France has posted some footage. Unless they watch American college basketball too. Hhhmm, I wonder. I must mention something that Jess reminded me of today. If Jill isn't Katherine's daughter, then Mac and Billy are not related. Then Jess tells me that they are bringing Mac back. NO! That spells doom and gloom for the girls currently filling Billy's super-sexin scorecard. Side Note: Mac is nothing compared to Sharon. Billy is all grown up, with grown up needs. I don't think Mac will be able to satisfy him for long, if she can land him in the first place.

Anyway...I was sitting here minding my own business and pondering the workings of the world because AMC was that boring, when suddenly, a vision appeared on my screen. Thorsten Kaye with short hair. It was delicious. He was delicious. Hair and Make-up! After this little treat I was swayed into paying more attention and after Greenlea's little video Ryan and Kendall had me almost convinced that they really thought that having sex while mourning was wrong. But alas! Kendall are Zach are hanging out when Zach leaves the room. Conveniently, Ryan comes to the door and when Kendall opens it, Ryan snatches her skinny little ass up and starts eating her face. Of course, as is the way of the soap, Zach walks in on the smootch. It was pretty hot, all and all. Reese is still annoying. Ryan and Jack hugged over Greenlea.

Annie deserves her own paragraph today as she fully filled her crazy quota. Crazy Patient: "You must really be in love with that guy!" Annie: "Aidan is my whole life" Zoom in on her crazy ass face and you've got yourself a set up for the next "Annie Goes Psycho" storyline that I am sure is looming in the horizon. Watching them kiss makes me wants to dry heave. Ugh.

After last nights OLTL eppy, I was to tired to blog. Now that I am fully rested, I want to discuss yesterdays and todays eppys simulteously. Rex really pulled at my heart strings yesterday in the church. I could almost believe that his tears were genuine. Cut to today's eppy, in which he busted out and shaved his head. Big improvement. Now, about those eyebrows... Nora really gave Marty the business yesterday but sadly disapointed me at the end when she hugged her. Damn I say! Cut to today's eppy, NO Marty. Nada. Nil. That just about makes it the best eppy of OLTL in recent years. As I told my girl J, the scarf that Marty had on yesterday would have been much cuter if it was tied so tight that it cut off Mary's breathing airways. I doubt J thought it was very funny. Or maybe she did?

My hatred for Stacy is slowly turning into some form of admiration. Can't say what form. I just know that her ability to scheme and lie is priceless in the land of soaps. For me, Stacy is making the show worth watching.

So, who is the daddy? Roxy is hiding Rex's bio dad and all is soon to be revealed. J says Spencer Truman. I think that a more likely candidate would be Bo. I suppose it is time to propose a friendly wager?

From now on, this blog will include The Soap Word of the Day. During my soap viewing, I will choose the best word used out of all the shows once or twice daily. I will include the definition and it use it in a sentence. I believe that it could be both fun and educational. I am out!


  1. Again, laughing out loud! You have a real talent for writng i.e. Billy's super-sexin scorecard...LMAO!

  2. Thanks friend. I am inspired by the drama!
