Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ABC = Whining 3-17-09

I had the opportunity to catch both yesterdays and todays eppys today. Here is what I know: I have the utmost respect for the great Tamara Braun. After watching todays episode of AMC, however, I want to rip her worthless eyes out of hear head, roll them around in broken glass and salt, and then cram them back into her face. Then, it might actually be worth listening to her whine. Speaking of whining. Jesse's girlfriend is one of the most annoying people I have ever seen. Kendall, please stop asking Ryan why you won't fight for Zach. How the hell is he supposed to know? I don't get why she wants Zach back when Ryan is ripe for the picking, but hey, whatever floats her skinny little boat.

I think it would be great if someone from OLTL would shoot Marty directly in the throat so she would just STOP talking. My God, I cannot take anymore. After watching today's full episode (sans Gigi, Rex, and whore, I mean Stacy) I was so sick of listening to Tea, I wished I was in jail just so I wouldn't have to listen to her anymore. Stick a fork in me, I am done.

GH! I rather enjoyed watching Claudia and Sonny do the shag nasty on the couch. It was a nice change from Stone Cold, She-nelli and Sam-Slut pulling guns on the bad guys to save Spinelli. I am not saying that I did not enjoy that little scene, I am just saying that hot sex beats hot sexy guys with guns any day. Is it just me, or are Sonny and Jax the only ones getting any play lately? I thought Lucky and Nickolas were going to throw down today. Evil Emily is causing quite the rift. But where the hell does Nickolas get off? He needs to seek some psychological help. One final note, why was Maxie-old-Belle making out with Lu-Lu's (the original blond skank) boyfriend? I missed something, obviously.

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