Saturday, April 11, 2009

No Ordinary Saturday Morning Cartoon 4-11-09

I didn't blog yesterday because even I get burnt out after a week of avid soap watching. On yesterdays eppy of Y&R, Victoria was suffering from some kind of guilt and tried to make buddies with Adam and Ashley. What she managed to do, however, is unwittingly play right into Adam's plan to freak Ashley out. Jack called Sharon to tell her that Eden and Noah were up that cabin alone. She called Nick, and of course, the two went up there together alone. Phyllis, ever the succubus, asked if she go but Nick declined. When they arrived at the cabin, the kids were nowhere in sight. Cut to the back seat of Noah's car AGAIN: Noah and Eden are about to get it on when Eden decides she's not ready. Ah, she is playing hard to get, no? Note to Y&R: please put Nick in that shirt everyday. Thank you. Katherine visited Amber in jail and it was sweet and nice and everything. Amber's hair looked amazing. I wonder about that. But she still had to endure the orange jumpsuit, which I wish on no one. Over on the men's side, Kevin, also clad in orange, was having another panicky discussion with Micheal who was trying to assure him that all will be well. Then he ran into Super Bitch Heather, who said that Kevin was a "dangerous criminal". I hope he electrocutes her ass too. I noticed something about Mary Jane today. She never does a scene in which she is not drinking. I predict that Ashley is going to catch on to Victor's scheme now that she has come face to face with Mary Jane.

Imagine my surprise when I was treated to most of Monday's eppy of Y&R early this morning. Nick and Sharon had the hottest sex of all times. Better than all his romps with Phyllis combined. Before they did the deed, Sharon told Nick that when she sleeps with other men, she imagines that it's him. Wow. Deep. Phyllis went over to Sharon's room at the club and dressed up like a maid to get in. It's pretty messed up when the person at the front desk doesn't know who is or isn't a real employee. Once inside, Phyllis went on a rampage destroying Sharon's bras and panties. Hilarious. Then she found all of things that Sharon has stolen recently stashed all over the room, she picked up the phone and in a horrible southern accent called the police and narced Sharon out. When Sharon got back from doing Nick, she was greeted by the police who are going to take her to jail for grand theft. Tyra is going to get custody of Ana, which makes sense because they fired Nia Peebles and Karen won't be around anymore. That really is too bad. I was just getting to like her. Kevin is going to get beat up in jail after he starts having visions about the chipmunk. I can't wait. Phyllis is going to ask Nikki for help. Right. Good luck with that. She hates you more than she hates Sharon! Speaking of Sharon, Micheal is going to "fire" her as a client when he discovers that she stole the books that Eden got arrested for.

I haven't really been paying attention to AMC this week because I am patiently waiting for the Annie and Aidan storyline to go away. However, my girl J just sent me a clip of Erica getting sprayed with oil while she screamed and danced like an indian at a bonfire. Wonder if this is before or after she hits on Ryan? She will have some competition because Kendall and Zach will be getting a divorce and Kendall will decide to be with Ryan. Zach is going to have feel sorry for me sex with nu-Liza. Good for him. Way to show Kendall she isn't the only one who can get some strange! Aidan and Annie are going to try to leave. I hope it works. I am not digging Scott Chandler, but they may change if he teams up with David which is how it is looking.

On B&B Donna is getting stupider, Stephanie is getting smarter, and Bridget is getting hotter. Bridget will have her first fashion show, but then she will be exposed as Madame X. That's good. This storyline is ridiculous. What are the label going to say? Dr. Bridget Forrester Maroni Designs? Stephanie will also be revealed as the new partner of Jackie M. and Eric will look like a fool. He was doing a pretty good job of that all by himself. James is coming back for a while. I wonder who he will bed? Brooke or Taylor? Maybe Stephanie...Stephanie and Clarke are going to talk about the good times with Sally. It's about time.

OLTL has been excellent this week with "Twinkle's" kidnapping and Todd teaming up with McPain to make the dysfunctional duo. Stacy is about to be busted. Even Schyler is going to see past Starr's underoos to call Stacy out on her scheming. Rex's dad is going to start showing signs of life, although I am not sure why since they haven't even casted the guy who will play him. Rachel is back and I hate her already. She said this the other day: "You know what they say in recovery. One step at a time." Hey bitch, the actual words are "one day at a time". I am just saying. After Zach is stopped, McPain believes that the killer is still on the loose. Who will get shanked next?

GH is almost intolerable with the constant presence of Claudia. Having said this, I had to feel bad for the girl when she walked in on Sonny bonding with Olivia with his hand placed firmly on her ass. I thought I could see the steam coming out of her ears when she said "Let me know when you have time for your wife!" Then I had to laugh when Olivia took a long swig of her drink and said "Ooooh, you're in trouble!" Jerry is back this week, which might make the show worth staying awake for. Nicholas is going to find Helena and nu-old-Emily together. Obviously, the two crazies are in cahoots to take him down. Ric and Kate have both been put on recurring status, so Rics creepy antics will substantially decrease. Bummer. Oh, and Kate who?

With the arrival of the annoying twins, ATWT is unwatchable. I did learn that the boy twin will try to get with Noah. OK. When that doesn't work, Noah gets stabbed. One teen on this show is thinking at least. Liberty wants a divorce. Paul sets Dusty up to beat him up so that social services will take the baby away from Dusty and Meg. Meg is unforgiving of Dusty and I have the feeling that a Meg and Paul reunion is in our future. Does that leave Dusty ripe for Lucy's picking? What a surprise. WOAK wants to do a documentary on Vienna's pregnancy and Henry and Vienna decide they want to keep the baby for themselves. Snore.

That's all I've got. Until Monday...same bitch time...same bitch channel...

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