In Genoa City today, Jack and Nicholas just happened to sit next to eachother at the bar at the club to get a drink. They both looked like someone died. Jack tried to bring back some of the old relationship, but Nick refused to openly take his advice. He pretended to be annoyed and got up left, but you could tell that Jack had gotten to him. Cut to the tack house where Sharon decided it is a good idea to go to look for Nick. Phyllis quickly informed her that Nick left her and that it was all Sharon's fault. Sharon made herself comfortable on the couch and continued to argue with the red headed she-devil. The old Phyllis is about to re-emerge and it is not going to be pretty. Noah came home from a backseat rendevouz with Eden and continued his rampage against Sharon. After a few, he decided to be nice and they had a little heart to heart about Sharon and Nick while Phyllis lurked in the shadows somewhere, as usual. When Nick entered the fray, Phyllis was still lurking and Nick and Sharon were hanging out on the couch chattin it up like nothing was amiss. Phyllis walked in and said something about people saying things that they don't mean, to which both Nick and Sharon looked up at her, and continued their conversation as if she had never spoken at all. I almost busted out the tequila because Phyllis called Sharon a tramp today. But I said drink only on slut or theif, neither of which she said today. Sharon got a good one in when Phyllis told her that Nick couldn't fix her. Sharon replied "Obviously he couldn't fix you either!" Thanks for that. And, thanks for the Chloe and Billy flashbacks. Chloe was so sweet today. To bad shit is going south and fast. Try as I might, I am having a hard time hating the new Mac. She turned Billy the playboy into a sniveling little whiney ass. I was digging the new side of him though. I am glad that Billy Miller can play it like the past Billies did it. I had to laugh at Chloe googling Mac and Billy. Um, where the hell is Kevin, Amber, Micheal, Lauren, Tyra, or Neil? Hello! Alas, they should be on tomorrow according to the previews. Billy is going to kiss Mac soon. That should be interesting. Mac is going to try to talk some sense into Kevin. Um, may I ask why? Noah and Eden are going to get busted again. These two need to come up with some better strategies. Phyllis is going to go psycho on Sharon, resulting in Sharon's eventual arrest. Too bad she still won't get Nicholas back. J.T. is going to dig up dirt on Colleen. Here's a thought....Shouldn't J.T. have plenty of dirt on Colleen already? They lived together! Tyra is going to fight for custody of Anna. Shouldn't she have done that in the first place?
On GH, I was forced to watch Sonny and Claudia have sex again. Sonny was so bummed out about it, but he pushed himself to finish the job. When he was done, he whined about not wanting more kids. I had to agree with Claudia. That is un-Sonny like. Note to GH: Please stop trying to shove Maxie and Dr. Old Shawn down our throats. It is done. Robin is going to crash her car with Emma inside and then get shipped off to the loony bin. This will leave Patrick open for more time with Elizabeth. That is actually a good thing considering nu-old Emily doesn't have cancer and her relationship with Lucky is going places. Helena will finally make an appearance. Claudia is going to get away with everything due to some DVD glitches. Damn that bitch has all the luck. Robin and Patrick are going to get in a huge fight at the hospital, which is finally finished by the way! This fight will prompt Robin to stop taking her meds. Yay for crazy Robin!
B&B was basically uneventful today. Owen was extra sexy as he pretended to have lock jaw so Bridget would get close to his mouth. Bridget, for a doctor you sure are stupid. Nick called Jackie out on her mid-life crisis, but in true Jackie style, she denied it all. Stephanie was pissed when she discovered that Nick was the one that suggested that Taylor join forces with Stephanie. I cannot wait to see how the drama unfolds when she takes the reigns at Jackie M. Rumor has it that Rick wants to marry Steffy at the same spot in Malibu where Brooke and Ridge were once married. This horrifies for Ridge and elates Brooke. That's because she is a skank.
ATWT sucks as of late. Jack thinks that Carly is drinking to much and she is in denial. Parker finally realized that he is in over his head and asked Jack for help. Thank God. I am over it. Jack is going to take Craig and Carly into questioning although I cant say why at this point. Rosanna is scheduled to come back. Snore. I am so happy that Meg dumped Dusty again. I hear that is not going to stop him from trying again to get her in the sack. The people that be decided to dust Barbara off and give her a storyline for the first time in 10 years. Thanks for that.
Ryan called Reese a bitch today on AMC. Adian and Annie are annoying. I can't wait until they go away. Krystal miscarried today and David was devasted. He should be. He did it. Adam, Stuart, and Erica are confusing right now. So, more on that at a later date. Can someone tell me why Kendall is still wearing that purple shirt and why Thorsten Kaye is trying so hard to bust a tear? Someone should poke him in the eye. It would water then for sure. Amanda almost kissed Jake and I realized just how hot those two could be. Yummy.
That's all I got. Until tomorrow...same bitch time...same bitch channel...
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I think I have officially fallen into the deep end! I cannot get Billy outta my mind! I love how he changes when Mac is around. And like you, I'm having a hard time completely hating her.